A Note About the Market

Last year markets experienced mostly sunny skies, calm seas and had plenty of wind in its sails. As we move further into 2018, many have been reminded that such tranquility doesn’t persist forever and waters, from time to time, do get choppy.

When constructing portfolios, we often recommend a mix of investments- those that perform well when skies are clear and seas are calm and others that provide stability during times of cloudiness and rougher waters.

While recent market volatility and headlines can no doubt cause angst, we believe markets are experiencing a return to normal rather than entering hurricane churned seas.

As we noted in our most recently quarterly commentary, we believe the U.S. economy remains on firm footing. Absent a surprise, this means that any volatility will likely be more temporary rather than longer lasting. Our belief remains that unless you have experienced an event that would impact your financial plan, a change in investment approach is not necessary at this time.

About Adam Reinert, CFA, CFP®

Adam Reinert, CFA, CFP® is Chief Investment Officer & Chief Operating Officer at Marshall Financial, serving clients in the Doylestown and Bucks County areas. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and a co-host of the Off Street Podcast, the official podcast of Marshall Financial’s investment department.


Marshall Financial Group, Inc (“Marshall Financial”) is an SEC-registered investment adviser with its principal place of business in Doylestown, Pennsylvania.   This newsletter is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to Marshall Financial Group’s investment advisory services.  Investing involves risk, including risk of loss.  References to market indices are included for informational purposes only as it is not possible to directly invest in an index. The historical performance results of an index do not reflect the deduction of transaction, custodial, and management fees, which would decrease performance results. It should not be assumed that your account performance or the volatility of any securities held in your account will correspond directly to any comparative benchmark index.

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