Five Socially Distant Fall Fun Activities

The fall season might look a little different this year for you and your family, which is why we wanted to provide five fun – and safe – things to do in the upcoming weeks to celebrate the cooler weather and all things spooky.

Ghost Tours of New Hope

Returning as a yearly favorite, Ghost Tours of New Hope will be holding tours this Halloween season. Guests are taken on a lantern-led tour through the streets of New Hope to hear the chilling true stories of hauntings throughout the town. Groups are limited to 20 people to allow for social distancing and masks are required to get in on the spooky fun.

Tours are held on Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30pm, 7:45pm, and 8pm and cost $10 per person. You can call 215-348-1598 to make a reservation.

Terrarium Therapy – Virtual Pumpkin Succulent Planter Workshop

This year Terrarium Therapy, a plant workshop company, is offering virtual workshops for socially distant fun.

The workshop costs $45 and includes a kit that ships directly to your home, containing a 7-inch ceramic pumpkin planter with a white finish, a variety of succulents, soil, preserved moss, and a step-by-step class held via Zoom.

The classes have sold out quickly, but there’s still two events available. One on October 7th (7pm—8pm) and one on October 15th (6:30pm—7:30pm).

Peddler’s Village Fall Festivals

Scarecrow Season

This year is the village’s 41st annual scarecrow display and competition and the first year you can vote on the Peddler’s Village app! The scarecrows are on display daily until October 31st, but if you want to cast your vote on the best you’ll have to visit by October 12th.

Peddler’s Village is also bringing the good vibes of their festival weekends, every weekend this season with live music, murder mystery walking tours, and special food and beverage offerings.

AppleTime in the Village

You can still indulge in all the apple-goodness of Apple Festival this year by visiting the village between November 1st and November 15th for AppleTime in the Village. Special apple-themed food and beverages will be available every day in Peddler’s Village restaurants and live entertainment will keep you in the fall spirit on the weekends.

Read more about the safety measures in place at Peddler’s Village here.

Lower Bucks Drive-Thru Halloween House Tour

Join your fellow neighbors and community members on the Lower Bucks Drive-Thru Halloween House Tour! The Lower Bucks community has banded together to foster neighborhood pride, family creativity, and a sense of wonder for all of us that really need it right now.

From October 17th through November 1st you can take a driving tour at your leisure to check out all the decorated homes (and businesses) in the area without ever leaving your car. Check out their Facebook page for updates, including a list of decorated stops and route options coming soon. They currently have over 60 homes involved in the event!

Quiver Farm Hatching at Home Program

If you’re in to win mom (or dad) of the year award, this one is for you! Quiver Farm is offering a Hatching at Home program which allows you to care for chick or duck eggs in the final days before they hatch.

The farm provides a kit that includes 8-12 eggs, a rental incubator, and a brooder box filled with shavings, feeder, a bag of food, waterer, and a lamp to keep the chicks or ducks warm. You care for the eggs until the Friday before they hatch, then let them sit and stay warm on Saturday and Sunday. They’ll hatch around Tuesday, at which point your family will care for and enjoy them until the following Friday when they return to the farm.

To sign up, follow their list of eggs that are available for the coming weeks. You’ll pay a deposit of $31 at sign-up and an additional $75 at pick-up. You’ll also pay a security deposit of $175 that is refunded once you return the equipment and chicks or ducks.

The program offers up a lot of fun and valuable teaching moments for kids and they also have a Facebook group where you can connect with other families sharing in your experiences.

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About Devon Radkins, FPQP™

Devon Radkins is Marketing Associate at Marshall Financial in Doylestown, PA. She develops strategic, education content for social media, blogs, and other marketing collateral. She also coordinates community engagement to support and connect with the Bucks County community.


Marshall Financial Group, Inc (“Marshall Financial”) is an SEC-registered investment adviser with its principal place of business in Doylestown, Pennsylvania.   This newsletter is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to Marshall Financial Group’s investment advisory services.  Investing involves risk, including risk of loss.  References to market indices are included for informational purposes only as it is not possible to directly invest in an index. The historical performance results of an index do not reflect the deduction of transaction, custodial, and management fees, which would decrease performance results. It should not be assumed that your account performance or the volatility of any securities held in your account will correspond directly to any comparative benchmark index.

This newsletter contains certain forward‐looking statements (which may be signaled by words such as “believe,” “expect” or “anticipate”) which indicate future possibilities. Due to known and unknown risks, other uncertainties and factors, actual results may differ materially from the expectations portrayed in such forward‐looking statements. As such, there is no guarantee that the views and opinions expressed in this letter will come to pass. Additionally, this newsletter contains information derived from third party sources. Although we believe these sources to be reliable, we make no representations as to the accuracy of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party incorporated herein, and take no responsibility, therefore.

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